Frequently Ask Questions


How do I check Pincode Serviceability?

You can easily check from the list of pincodes we service, by just putting in your desired pincode at Pincode Serviceability Checker on our website

Can I Offer Early or Express Delivery ?

Yes, absolutely, you can easily offer from Express delivery, as we also support urgent deliveries, but keep in mind, that courier charges of express deliveries can be significantly higher for smaller packages

How is the cost of my shipment estimated ?

The cost of your shipment is estimated by factoring in the Distance from pickup to drop of point, type of delivery (Express/Normal) , medium of delivery (Surface / Air ), and finally the volumetric weight (Weight of your Shipment + The volume it Takes).

How can i contact customer support for any query?

You can directly chat with us on our panel or you can directly contact your relationship manager, whose credentials will be provided at your dashboard, for technical support you can always contact our Tech Support at


What APIs does Kadyan Transport Services offer?

Kadyan Transport Services offers a range of APIs for seamless integration, including APIs for creating new orders, calculating shipping rates, retrieving carrier information, handling billing reconciliation, and integrating with our payment gateway.

How do I access Kadyan Transport Services APIs?

To access Kadyan Transport Services APIs, you'll need to sign up for an API key. Once registered, you can access our APIs by making HTTP requests to the respective endpoints using your API key for authentication.

What programming languages are supported for API integration?

Our APIs are language-agnostic and can be integrated into applications built using any programming language that supports HTTP requests, such as JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, and more.

Is there any documentation available for Kadyan Transport Services APIs?

Yes, comprehensive documentation for Kadyan Transport Services APIs is available on our website. The documentation provides detailed information on each API endpoint, including usage instructions, request parameters, and sample code snippets.

Do you offer sandbox or testing environments for API development?

Yes, we provide sandbox environments for testing and development purposes. These environments allow you to simulate API requests and responses without affecting live data or transactions.